5 research outputs found

    Combination of web usage, content and structure information for diverse web mining applications in the tourism context and the context of users with disabilities

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    188 p.This PhD focuses on the application of machine learning techniques for behaviourmodelling in different types of websites. Using data mining techniques two aspects whichare problematic and difficult to solve have been addressed: getting the system todynamically adapt to possible changes of user preferences, and to try to extract theinformation necessary to ensure the adaptation in a transparent manner for the users,without infringing on their privacy. The work in question combines information of differentnature such as usage information, content information and website structure and usesappropriate web mining techniques to extract as much knowledge as possible from thewebsites. The extracted knowledge is used for different purposes such as adaptingwebsites to the users through proposals of interesting links, so that the users can get therelevant information more easily and comfortably; for discovering interests or needs ofusers accessing the website and to inform the service providers about it; or detectingproblems during navigation.Systems have been successfully generated for two completely different fields: thefield of tourism, working with the website of bidasoa turismo (www.bidasoaturismo.com)and, the field of disabled people, working with discapnet website (www.discapnet.com)from ONCE/Tecnosite foundation

    Datuetatik ezagutzara. Web orrietan nabigatzean utzitako aztarna abiapuntu

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    Teknologia berriak direla medio informazio asko metatzen da gaur egun eta gainera, gehiena formatu digitalean. Askotan, informazio hori kontzienteki gordetzen da eta beste hainbatetan berriz, gure ekintzen albo ondorio gisa. Metatutako informazio hori guztia, zergatik ez erabili datuetan bertan ez dagoen ezagutza sortzeko? Hauxe da datu-meatzaritza eta ikasketa automatikoko tekniken helburua. Webguneetan nabigatzen dugunean uzten dugun aztarna izan liteke datu-meatzaritzak zukua atera diezaiokeen datu multzoetako bat. Lortutako ezagutzak erabilera anitz di tu: baliabideak egokitzea edo webgunea pertsona1izatzea, gomendio sistema baten oinarri izatea edo zerbitzu-emaileari bere webgunean nabigatzen duten erabiltzaile moten berri ematea. Ezagutza hori lortzeko erabil litezkeen tresnak eta prozesua deskribatzea da artikulu honen helburua

    Combination of web usage, content and structure information for diverse web mining applications in the tourism context and the context of users with disabilities

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    188 p.This PhD focuses on the application of machine learning techniques for behaviourmodelling in different types of websites. Using data mining techniques two aspects whichare problematic and difficult to solve have been addressed: getting the system todynamically adapt to possible changes of user preferences, and to try to extract theinformation necessary to ensure the adaptation in a transparent manner for the users,without infringing on their privacy. The work in question combines information of differentnature such as usage information, content information and website structure and usesappropriate web mining techniques to extract as much knowledge as possible from thewebsites. The extracted knowledge is used for different purposes such as adaptingwebsites to the users through proposals of interesting links, so that the users can get therelevant information more easily and comfortably; for discovering interests or needs ofusers accessing the website and to inform the service providers about it; or detectingproblems during navigation.Systems have been successfully generated for two completely different fields: thefield of tourism, working with the website of bidasoa turismo (www.bidasoaturismo.com)and, the field of disabled people, working with discapnet website (www.discapnet.com)from ONCE/Tecnosite foundation

    Datuetatik ezagutzara. Web orrietan nabigatzean utzitako aztarna abiapuntu

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    Teknologia berriak direla medio informazio asko metatzen da gaur egun eta gainera, gehiena formatu digitalean. Askotan, informazio hori kontzienteki gordetzen da eta beste hainbatetan berriz, gure ekintzen albo ondorio gisa. Metatutako informazio hori guztia, zergatik ez erabili datuetan bertan ez dagoen ezagutza sortzeko? Hauxe da datu-meatzaritza eta ikasketa automatikoko tekniken helburua. Webguneetan nabigatzen dugunean uzten dugun aztarna izan liteke datu-meatzaritzak zukua atera diezaiokeen datu multzoetako bat. Lortutako ezagutzak erabilera anitz di tu: baliabideak egokitzea edo webgunea pertsona1izatzea, gomendio sistema baten oinarri izatea edo zerbitzu-emaileari bere webgunean nabigatzen duten erabiltzaile moten berri ematea. Ezagutza hori lortzeko erabil litezkeen tresnak eta prozesua deskribatzea da artikulu honen helburua